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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Just a quick note. If you would, please see on the right side bar that I have added a new widget called FOLLOWERS. It would be a blessing if you would use it. By doing so, we know that you are praying for us as we continue to serve Jesus Christ up here in the Northland of Wisconsin.

One more thing. We would sure be blessed if you would drop us a message, email or call to let us know that you are coming over Saturday afternoon, any Saturday, for dinner and for a time of fellowship. 

We pray for all of you and hope to hear from you.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I am Second

I would like to share with you the following web site called, "I AM SECOND". I have been going through this site today and would like your opinion on it. 

If you go to the right side of this page and click on I AM SECOND, and watch it and pray about it, I would like to know what your feelings are on it.

When we realize that Jesus is first and we are second, then we are ready to learn of Him. Some of the testimonies on the site remind me of days that we have had some real deep....meaningful times sharing with one another some of the deepest hurts in our life. After, we were able to pray and encourage one another with the Love of Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Patti and I went to Ashland today to do some shopping and took some pictures of the beautiful scenery here in Northern Wisconsin. You can see them by going to the right and clicking on our photo album.

At the same time, we would like to invite you to come for fellowship and dinner at our place on Saturday afternoon, say about 3pm or so. 

Post a comment and let us know your coming.

Fellowships are every Saturday starting at 3pm. 

Please bring your own meat and we will barbaque it on our grill. Ladies, you can also bring a dish to pass. That would be great!! 

Around 5, I would like to start the Bible Study/Prayer time which will last about one hour. 

Please come as a family and feel free to stay as long as you would like for fellowship after the Bible Study as this is when true friendships are built and when we can dig deeper into the Word.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Answers to your prayers

I want to personally thank all of you who were praying for James Nyika, his 2 year old boy Jeff and James' family. James took Jeff from Narus Sudan to Eldoret Kenya because of complications from Malaria.

I am happy to tell you that Jeff is now fine and James and Jeff are now back with Jane, and his two daughters Fiona and Blessing.

Again, thank you very much and we are so blessed to be able to take our concerns to such an Almighty God in prayer, knowing that nothing is to hard for Him.

Thank you Jesus Christ for making your self known to us.