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Sunday, April 26, 2009

World Missionary Press

Patti and I have just returned from New Paris Indiana. We went down April 22nd and came back April 25th. The purpose of our trip was to visit World Missionary Press. (WMP) Please see our Photo Album to the right for more pictures of the trip.

We were so blessed as we worked with the staff producing booklets with the Gospel message printed on them. We were also asked to share in Chapel, the work of a Pakistani National named Nadeem and his wife Farah.

WMP and Patti and I serve together in Pakistan with Nadeem Massey. WMP asked us to share Nadeem with the staff and team of WMP which labors to print Gospel booklets and sends them to Pakistan along with hundreds of other countries around the world.

Patti and I are representatives for Nadeem in Pakistan through Saving Grace World Missions. (SGWM).

One of our callings is to raise awareness of Nadeem's work in Pakistan as the Lord uses him and his wife Farah to reach the Pakistanis with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What a blessing it has been to be true to our calling. I would like to invite you to learn more about WMP, SGWM, ourselves and Nadeem by checking out the web sites I have provided in this blog. Nadeem's is

If the Lord stirs you to serve with us and Nadeem in Pakistan, please contact us. We are looking for 4 areas on Nadeem's support team.

1. Prayer team.
2. Representatives.
3. Moral support and
4. Financial support.

If you would like to be involved with any of the above, on this very exciting team, contact us and we will labor with you in Pakistan.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you as you reach out to the "ends of the world" with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.
